The story behind the photo | A photography newsletter

How it started. How it stopped. How it started again. And the toddler years.

Edition 9 - 21 January 2024

A few months after the birth of my first child, I treated myself to a 'proper camera’. (a mid-range, entry-level Canon). I just wanted to give myself a little present after keeping a baby alive for nearly 6 months. I even marked this occasion on Facebook because if it wasn't on social media, it didn't happen! The photos you see here were taken over 10 years ago, before the birth of my second child.

I've loved photography since I was a child. With the exception of a stint at university, when I considered a career as a photographer, my passion for photography remained latent for years. This doesn't mean I didn't take photos (quite the opposite), but it's only when I became a mother that I felt that strong 'documentary' impulse that still motivates me today.

I know I'm not the only one. Many women (and men) pick up the camera after having children to document those wonderful and tough early years of childhood. Also, many parents, like me, end up putting the camera away after a while because - let's face it - life with small children means your hands are constantly carrying STUFF, and frankly, one can do without the big bulky camera.

Which is exactly what I did: soon after I had my second child, the fancy new Canon ended up neglected in a drawer for years. Nearly 4 years, to be precise. These were the years of having two cute, chubby toddlers living their best lives, without a care in the world. Photographically, the opportunities were endless.

However, I found the toddler years tiring and testing. Frankly, when my children were that little, the last thing I thought about was looking for my camera - most of the time I was too busy trying to avoid deadly accidents and dealing with tantrums and poos. But, with those years a distant memory, I really regret not having good photographs of those times.

After this long hiatus, I picked up the Canon again when we set off on a trip of a lifetime to Indonesia. This coincided with my youngest abandoning the stroller for good, so my hands were suddenly free to hold things, and point & shoot. Impressed with the obvious difference in quality compared to my phone, I haven't looked back. I just got into the habit of carrying my camera with me nearly all the time, and I still do now.

Now, with a tween by age and another tween by spirit, I document them transitioning from being sweet little children to individuals with their own affirmed personalities. This is special in its own way, but I crave those early years of randomness, innocence, and fun, and that's one of the reasons I started photographing other families.

If you have toddlers, I feel for you! But also, take all the photos. Or hire a photographer*. Document those crazy random years. They will be gone before you know it.

*I can be your photographer! Book me here.

I am a documentary family photographer based in Dulwich, primarily serving East Dulwich, Herne Hill, and Peckham, and I am available to travel across London and beyond. Get in touch if you are interest in booking a session with me.


The story behind the photo | A photography newsletter


The story behind the photo | A photography newsletter